From an Unsure Faith to Sharing with Confidence
Dana had never felt confident about leading others to Christ.
At one point in her life, she wasn’t even sure about her own faith.
During a difficult time, Dana stopped going to church.
But through God’s grace, she started watching Your Move on YouTube.
As she watched and listened, she reconnected with the teaching of Jesus. Each video deepened her understanding of the gospel and the Old Testament.
“I feel like I am in a better place and am back in church now,” Dana says.
Meanwhile, Dana has seen her friends leave the church.
It’s been especially painful to watch her friend, Alice, turn away from God.
Having grown up Catholic, Alice now believes that the gospel is fiction—just a made-up fairy tale.
While Dana doesn’t have a track record of leading people to Christ, she does know this:
“I love that [Your Move’s] messages are meant to reach the people who have left the faith because they didn’t really understand the gospel message–the good news that is for everyone.”
She knows that God can use her to help Alice find her way.
And that can begin with something as simple as sending Alice a couple of links to Your Move messages.
“I’m not sure if my friend Alice will listen. I will pray that the Lord will open her heart to him. I think my role is just to plant the seed, and the rest is up to him.”