Our Vision
A world that recognizes following Jesus makes life better and the world a better place.
Our Mission
To engage the religiously unaffiliated with the teaching of Jesus by creating tailored digital pathways.
Our Model
Based on a research-backed understanding of the Religiously Unaffiliated population, YMC orchestrates digital journeys designed to guide individuals from apathy to becoming resolute seekers of Jesus.
Our Impact
For over a decade, we’ve aired practical, Christ-centered content after Saturday Night Live and The Late Late Show across 37 markets nationwide. In 2022, over 80 million messages were accessed via these broadcast purchases. Another 10 million messages were accessed this year through other digital placements. But viewership has never been our end goal.
Our goal is engagement.
Not simply engagement with us. Ultimately, our goal is for religiously unaffiliated people to engage with a local church. Not a small task to say the least. But one we are committed to nonetheless. And thanks to you, we are making progress.
Television Broadcast Views
YouTube / On-Demand Streams
Podcast Downloads
Steps Toward Discovering Jesus